Ferry departing from Split at 0900, 1100, 1415, 1630, 1815, 2300.(timetable is changeable). In summer season there is more
departures. Please check at Jadrolinija web site.
After disembarking from ferry in Supetar take direction Bol. There is about 40 KM driving to Bol and take about same time (40
minutes) because of narrow road. After entering in Bol on first crossroad turn left. Straight you will come in the center and right is hotels direction. After turning left 4th street on your right side is Gospe od Sniga. As orientation on your left side you will see Restaurant/camping Ranc. When you enter street Gospe od Sniga after 50 meters on your left side you will see Apartments Bruna.
We wish you a happy driving.
Željana & Siniša Bacalja